Month: October 2013

Touch wood!

weekly running

I made a plea a couple weeks ago about the need for a plan for my next marathon in March.  I got some great feedback from some friends (Thanks Jill and Taryn!) and so far things are going well.   I have suffered in the past from IT band and peroneal issues so I am treading very lightly while ramping up my running.  The one thing that I am doing differently is that I am taking the time after every run to stretch.  I know you are thinking “Duh Becca!” but I have never been good about this part of training.  I want this Ironman next year and I want it bad.  I will only get there if I get serious about my training.  I hope to keep steadily increasing my weekly mileage and staying injury free over the next month.  Then it is time to get my marathon training going.  Wish me luck!

HELP!!! I need a plan!

I am currently working on getting my base mileage back up and I need help.  I plan to run the Los Angeles Marathon in March and I need a training plan.  I am currently running very little and I don’t think I will be able to handle the FIRST plan for this marathon.  I only want to run 3 times a week (maybe 4) and I will cross train on the bike (and maybe swim).  Goal marathon time is 4 hours.  Suggestions?

Tiki Swim 3 – Race Report

The idea of this swim came up easily 9 months ago.  Several of my close online friends (Ted, Leo. Leah, and Sugarmagnolia) wanted to do this swim and it sounded like a great idea.  After the Tour De Big Bear, I changed my focus to the pool for 8 weeks to prepare.  I was lucky enough to get another good online friend to coach me for the race.  I followed his workouts pretty well and saw great improvements in my swimming.

My goal for race day was to swim 1:10 or faster for the 2.4 miles.  All five of us suited up and got ready to swim.  The waves weren’t to big and in no time we were off and swimming.  Water temperature was perfect! I settled into a pace and just worked on swimming consistently.  It wasn’t until I turned into the harbor around 3500 yards that I started to tire a little.  The training had worked perfectly!

I did my best to push the last bit and made it out in 1:11:56 by their clock.  Not the 1:10 that I was aiming for but with the surf and currents I know I did the best I could.  Funniest thing that happened was I had a little bit of sea water in my goggle once the swim started but I was too stubborn to stop and clear it out.  By the time I was done my eye was super swollen!  It didn’t really hurt but it looked pretty funny!

I plan to do this swim next year for sure as I prep for Ironman Arizona in2014.  We were lucky to have Quadrathon along to take pictures for us.

Click here for the Garmin details.

Next up…getting my running back…Stay Tuned!