Month: December 2012

Week 1 of 16 – Boston Marathon Training


Week one is in the books; and I hope that the next 15 weeks go as well as this week went.  I am using the FIRST plan which works well for me because I need the cross training to keep up my triathlon training as well.  This week was atypical from what most weeks should look like.  I managed to get in the pool three times but my partner in all things crazy and I decided to do a Tour of Sufferlandria.  Essentially this  equated to a LOT of trainer time at the end of the week.  Because of this, I pushed my long run up  before the Tour started so I could have a good long run.  Major success! I was supposed to run 13 miles at MP + :30 (9:30/mile pace) and I did 14 at 9:15!  My interval run earlier in the week was a little slow (hungover from Christmas Eve), but my tempo run went very well despite a MAJOR head wind.  I also really looked at what my paces for each run should be and I think I can do it!

Over all I am SOOOOO excited to be marathon training. I had a big silly grin on my face during my long run Saturday.  Life will get more complicated  once my kids go back to school so I will have to be very diligent to train when I can.  There is not a lot of wiggle room in my schedule.

Below are the links for my three runs.

Garmin link for interval run.

Garmin link for tempo run.

Garmin link for long run.

26 miles run. 13:30 total training.

Video to be added soon…

Pacing Myself


When I tackle a training plan for a race I usually find that I can’t attack 100% of the plan details.  For instance, when I did the FIRST plan the first time (no pun intended) I really only watched my pace on the long runs.   I found the paces for the other shorter distances just too hard.  I guess that is why I do better at longer races versus shorter races.  Now that this is the second or third time (I am losing count) that I will be using this plan, I am really going to make an effort to hit all the paces in all three workouts.  I am basing my paces off a 24:00 5K (which I sort of ran back in October).  Here is what I should be running…

400M – 1:46

600M – 2:42

800M – 3:36

1000M – 4:32

1200M – 5:30

1600M – 7:27

Short Tempo – 8:00

Mid Tempo – 8:15

Long Tempo – 8:30

Easy – 9:35

Half Marathon Pace – 8:33

Marathon Pace – 8:53 (I want a sub 4 hour marathon time)

I truly believe that I can train at these paces for all the interval and tempo runs.  I am a little less confident for the long runs.  It has been a really long time since I have run more than 12 miles so the first four weeks of the plan will be very telling. The weekly long runs start like this: 13, 15, 17, then 20.  You end up doing five 20 mile runs over the course of the plan.  You get right to it!

Salute the Sun Salutation

So I was laying in bed this morning awake at 5:00 AM and my mind was racing.  I had the bright idea to get up and try to do a little yoga before I start my day.  I really need to work on my flexibility and yoga is great for that.  So I searched “Sun Salutation” on my iPhone and did a little sampling of videos.

First I did this one…

Not bad and easily understood.

Next I did this one…

This one was actually my favorite. She has a cool accent!

Then I tried this one…

The chirping birds in the background were a little annoying but she does go into more explanation of the poses later in the video.

And lastly I did this one…

Cool music and they go through the sun salutation several times but no instruction so I had to keep looking to see where they were.

Anyway, it felt great to get out of bed and move a little before starting my day.  Hope I can do this a couple mornings a week.  At least the mornings where the bed is easier to get out of…


I just found this graphic from another blogger! Love it!  Putting it up at home!

Week 1 Has Begun – Boston Marathon Training


My wall of motivation in the kitchen

My 16 week plan for the Boston Marathon started this week.  I am really looking forward to training for a marathon.  Originally my goal was to PR in Boston and hopefully run 3:30.  I just haven’t been running that fast lately and I don’t think I can get too much faster in the next 16 weeks.  My goal for Boston is to have a controlled run and do it in 4:00.  I think this is achievable so my goal marathon pace will be 9:00 min/ mile.

I am using the FIRST plan which is good for me because it is only three runs a week and allows for cross training.  The general weekly plan is:

Monday : Swim

Tuesday: Run (speed work)

Wednesday: Rest day

Thursday: Bike (trainer ride)

Friday: Run (tempo)

Saturday: Bike (trainer) and Swim

Sunday: Run (long run)

I will need to find a way to get some longer bike rides in as well so I can start ramping up for Challenge Penticton training which will start shortly after Boston is done. I have very limited time for running so this will be interesting.

**And week one will be a little interesting because I am doing this on Saturday and Sunday!

2 weeks!!!

TwooweksoutI originally qualified for Boston in October of 2011 and my time to train for the Marathon is finally here (well, in two weeks)!  When I started running in 2005 and completed my first marathon in 2007 I had aspirations of making it to Boston one day.  As I ran more and more I couldn’t wrap my head around how I would ever run fast enough to qualify. I started with a 5:22 marathon and worked my way down to 4:21 by my 5th  marathon.  I had pretty much dismissed the hope.  Then in the late summer of 2011 my speed was picking up as was my endurance.  About 8-10 weeks out of the Portland Marathon I really started to believe I could do it.  Amazingly everything fell into place on race day and I had a great race!

So now I am two weeks from starting my 16 week plan (I am using the FIRST method again) and I am getting excited.  I really miss marathon training.  It is hard and long but very satisfying! (#TWSS, couldn’t help myself)  I am excited to concentrate my efforts on one thing instead of three like I had to with the Ironman.  I just hope my body can keep up with my head during this training cycle.  I really want to nail this plan.  I have done it before.  And I believe I can do it again.  So I have two more weeks until it starts.

The picture above is kind of what my training weeks will look like but maybe 2-3 hours longer.  I finally found a schedule I think I can handle so once I start it will just be a matter of not getting overwhelmed with the plan as a whole but, rather working on a week by week basis.  I think I will do the video logs like I did for Ironman St. George for this cycle as well as the written weekly summary.  That worked great for me to set small areas of focus each week and stay in the present.

Stay tuned…

November 2012 Training Summary

Kind of scary how happy people were to admit they had...

Kind of scary how happy people were to admit they had…


November wasn’t quite the month I had hoped it would be.  I am still working to get my running back; and while I did get some good pain free running in, I wish I could have done a few more miles.  I have been really struggling to find a way to get three solid runs in a week.  My living situation makes it difficult but I think I finally worked out a plan!  The highlight of the month was enjoyed vicariously through my best friend.  I have watched him go from “Dirt to Iron” over the last year and it all came together on November 18th when he successfully completed Ironman Arizona.  I had the privilege role of Sherpa and loved every minute of the day! If you ever have the chance to watch an Ironman from start to finish, DO IT!!!!  It may change your life!

Anyway, here are my November numbers…

Swim – 1 miles / 0:38

Bike – 78 miles / 5:30

Run – 59 miles / 11:43

Total – 139 miles / 17:50

My sites are really focused on Boston and while I have realized that my original goal of getting a new PR there is not realistic I have modified my goal to having a good solid run that I am in control of from start to finish.  I have also  been rounding out my 2013 calendar and I added Barb’s Race in July as a lead up race to Challenge Penticton.  I do need to fund raise for this race so if you have $10 to spare I would be very appreciative!

Train safe and happy!