Month: March 2013

10% Rule


I almost posted last week that my running was coming back.  I have been trying to get 2-3 runs in a week and a couple weeks ago I manged 4 runs and felt good! Last week I pulled of 4 runs again for a weekly total of 27 miles (pretty good) but by Sunday night I was feeling very beat up.  I had the opportunity to run this morning(Tuesday) and I only made it 400 ft before I turned around and came home.  My hip was not happy.

I neglected the 10% rule.

You can see from the chart above in weeks 1-3 I was training for Boston.  Week 4 my IT band started to go bad.  I tried to take it easy for several weeks, got new shoes, and finally started running again week 9. But as you can see weeks 11 and 12 I ignored the 10% rule.  The 10% rule says you should only increase your mileage by 10% a week. I think jumping from 5 to 20 to 27 was a little bit much.  I am paying for it now…

I am determined to get it back!

2 steps forward, 1 step back

OK, I know I said I was done but I just can’t quit you!!!

Still nothing major on my racing calendar and I am still OK with that.  House plans are moving forward splendidly! Weight-loss WAS going great then I had a little set birthday. I am no longer in my mid-30s but I have entered my late-30s ( I will always be 36 to some).  Right before my birthday weekend I weighed in at 133 lbs; 7 down from when I started dieting and pretty much where I would like to be.  Then I stopped logging my food, and got a little busy, and daylight savings happened, and blah blah blah! 136 this morning.

Back at it. Today. Everyday. Even if it is only 30 minutes.  Hold me to it.


The End (for now at least)

finishNow that I don’t have anything on my training plan for an indefinite amount of time I have been examining my motivation for writing this blog.  I have really enjoyed writing about my training and adventures for almost two years.  I have bonded with many great people and I have been part of a really special community.  This blog started at a point in my life when I was going thru some very big personal changes.  Honestly this blog, and my quest for and Ironman and Boston qualification, was really my way of working through a lot of pain.  I am thru the pain.  I am in a much better and happier place now.  Shockingly I don’t feel the need to train for any more huge races or keep writing this blog.  All I want to do is surround myself with the people I love and enjoy being active and fit.  This is not to say I will never do another marathon or endurance event; just that right now I have NO desire to train for one.  This prospect is a bit of a double edged sword.  Since marathons and triathlon have defined me for the last 4 years, where does that leave me?  Do I still matter?  Do I have anything to contribute to this community any more? At this point I just want to take a step back and work on me and my family.  I don’t feel like worrying about a training plan or nailing the next tempo run.  I am extremely at peace with this.  So with a few tears in my eyes and a ton of joy in my heart, I am stepping away from the blog… for now.  I am sure something will come up in my life that draws me back so I can share my experiences but I bet my posting will be few an far between.

Thank you so much to those who have supported me and commented on the blog.  Your interaction and feedback meant more to me than you know!

Take care and be happy!

❤ Becca