Month: August 2017

Upcoming “Events”

My running recovery (#beccasreturntorunning) is finally going well! I have been very patiently, and slowly, increasing my running volume and frequency over the last 5 weeks. This week I am hoping to actually run (slowly) 2 miles straight outside!

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I have a couple of races on my radar but I have a a few other “things” I am working towards.

  1. #beccasreturnrunning has begun and will be complete when I punch my ticket for Boston again. I have CIM in December but I think my best chance will be at the Mountains to the Beach Marathon in May 2018.
  2. #operation200 is underway. I am working to get my FTP up to 200 by summer of 2018 in anticipation of training for Ironman Arizona in 2018. I think this is critical if I have any aspirations of qualifying for Kona
  3. #beccasbeermile is a new one. I have the incredible good fortune to go to  Kona this year to see the Ironman World Championships!!! (pinch me!!!) While I am there I am hoping to participate in the super secret beer mile (don’t tell anyone, mkay?). To properly prepare for this “event”  I have devised a training program that is two fold. One, I need to train to run with a belly full of liquid. I plan on doing quater-mile repeats while pounding seltzer. There is no way I can consume all that beer on a regular basis! Two, I need to practice my beer chugging skills. I am thinking once a week (when I drink my one beer a week) I will chug it. PBR for the win!
  4. #UPR, the underpants run. The other cool part about going to Kona will be the Underpants Run! A few pounds have crept on to my body while I have been injured so I am working hard for the next 8 weeks to shed that extra weight in preparation for the #UPR!

Training for traditional events will return soon, but for now I need a few “goals” to keep me focused!


10% Loss

I guess it could have been worse. But I lost 10 %… of my FTP! I did an FTP test this week to set a baseline for training and when the results came back my FTP dropped 18 watts from 187 to 169.

Honestly, I have done very little structured bike training since March, so I guess 10% loss over 5-6 months is not too bad. I don’t think I could have ridden it harder. My HR Maxed over 190 so that means I rode pretty hard!

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I have a goal of getting my FTP up to 200 and hopefully I can do that by next summer. I think that FTP would get me well on my way to the 5:30 Ironman bike split I need if I ever have a chance at qualifying for Kona.

My return to run is going well! I am slowing making my way through an 8 step return program. I am not rushing it at all! Right now I am on step 4, .1 walk/.4 run for 2 miles. Next week I plan to step up to 2 full miles and outside. So exciting!