Month: December 2014

Paramount Ranch 2014 30K Race Report

Saturday was my first race as I enter a year of trail running. The race we chose was a local race put on by a very reputable race director, Keira Henniger. We signed up for the 30K because it  fit perfect into my training plan.


I was very nervous the night before. This is a new arena for me and I wasn’t 100% what to expect. Night before I laid out my kit. I had picked up a pair of arm warmers from Coeur Sports which were way better than I had expected! Not only did they have thumb holes they also had little mittens to cover my fingers if it was colder. Alarm was set for 5:30 AM and off to sleep I went!

The race started promptly at 7:30 AM. The course was three 10K loops all over Paramount Ranch. I really wasn’t sure what the course would be like but I didn’t expect it to be as hard as it was.

Screen Shot 2014-12-22 at 1.47.05 PMScreen Shot 2014-12-22 at 1.57.33 PMIt was a  lot of up and down and very little flat. Plus, we had had a fair amount of rain over the week so it was pretty muddy. But what made it hard was the whole course was pretty much runnable. None of the climbs were so hard that you had to walk the whole thing so you just pushed through the whole course. My goal was to run each lap as even as I could. I wasn’t going to worry about my place in the race until the last lap. I knew that if I could run each lap as close to even as possible I would have a good race.

Screen Shot 2014-12-22 at 1.43.29 PMMission accomplished! As you an see above I ran all three loops with only a 2 minutes spread! (see the Garmin Data here) Plus, I ran the last loop the fastest! I was so pleased with my run. I worked really hard the last loop to catch a couple people I had been watching during the race. Once I caught the first one I just kept looking ahead to the next. This really helped me focus on consistent running and kept me from easing off on the hills. I found that most of the other runners were walking the hills so I made it my goal to run as much of the hills as possible.


When I finished and finally caught my breath Stuart and I went to look at how I did…4th 😦 I really wanted 3rd. But I knew I had run a really smart race and had done all I could. I was happy!

IMG_4910We got home after a smoothie and picking up the kids. I had developed quite rat’s nest in my hair while I ran! I will be running with braids from here on out! Yikes!


Today I finally found the complete results on line and got a nice surprise! I actually got 3rd after all and was the 6th overall woman! WOOT!

Screen Shot 2014-12-22 at 2.40.31 PMI am so glad that I have two more races on my calendar that will be run by Keira. The race was wonderfully run and it is pretty cool to have the race director cheering for you when you come through! Also, it is great to be running races with Stuart! This race was great because we crossed paths a few times. It is always great to see a familiar face and get a few words of encouragement from someone you love!

Coeur Sports Brand Ambassador 2015 – That’s Me!


I found out Monday that my application to be a Brand Ambassador for Coeur Sports was accepted. Ecstatic is an understatement!!!! (I will refrain from using as many exclamation points as I would like to). This means a lot to me for three reasons.

One, I love their products. I am convinced that their seam-free chamois design is amazing! I spent hours in the saddle with out ever having issues. Their hashtag of #noangrykitty pretty much sums it up. You can read more about my kit review here. I love the running kit(review to follow) as well and their t-shirts and trucker caps are great casual wear!

Two, I love their philosophy. As a business they really are committed to making the customer happy. They stand behind their kit. When you, as a customer, are spending your money on a product, it is nice to know if you aren’t happy with it they will take it back hassle free! As a participant in women’s endurance sports they really support one another. They appreciate and encourage #heartandcourage. It takes courage for many to overcome the fear of trying new things. Triathlon especially is can be a very scary sport at first!

Three, they believe in me! Being accepted to be a part of the team along with so many other amazing women is an great confidence boost. I had a great Ironman in Arizona in November. This ambassadorship adds to my confidence and makes me believe even more that I have a lot of room left to grow in endurance sports! Coeur doesn’t know it yet, but my goal is to make their Elite Tri team by 45! Kona has become my goal!

I encourage you to check out their site for some awesome kit. There are new colors and designs coming in the new year!



YAY! A big rock!

YAY! A big rock!

Ultra Running Training Has Started

Screen Shot 2014-12-16 at 7.44.51 AM I wrote a couple weeks ago about my plan to get me to the Leona Divide 50 mile race where I outlined my training plan. I haven’t been great about sticking to it completely as I ease back into training after Ironman Arizona. I didn’t want to push the the running too fast and end up injured. One of the key elements (in my opinion) to ultra training are the back-to-back long runs. (please know that I have only done one 50K so I am by no means an expert on this topic) I have struggled so far to actually get the training done this way, until last night. On Sunday Stuart and I went to the trails to run more of the Sean O’Brien 50K course. I only had 16 miles to do and Stuart was doing a fat ass 50K. Because I am geographically challenged and can’t find my way out of paper bag at times, we ended up running much more together instead of me turning back early and running back to my car. It was a very hard run. I was hoping to do the 16 miles in 3 hours. It took me closer to 4 hours. Regardless, I got the miles done. Then Monday, I had to run 10 miles. I didn’t do it when my alarm went off at 4:30 AM the next morning but instead I did it when I got home from work. 10 miles in the dark and rain. Woot! I know that these back-back-back long runs will be the best thing for helping me increase my distance running. Now just to keep doing them consistently! Below are some pictures from this weekend’s adventure!

Resolution Head Start

Screen Shot 2014-12-15 at 1.15.16 PMThere are a variety of sites you can use to track your data related to training. I used Training Peaks extensively last year because I was working with a coach and that was what she used. I always use Garmin Connect as the first place I put my data because it sends it out to the other sites like SportTracks and Strava. And now my Garmin 920XT will send it via my phone without me doing anything!

I am not  person who likes to repeat  steps so I have to keep this part of my life as simple as possible. I will not update my data in many different sites so I have to choose one (or two) sites to keep as my “source of truth”. I am making a resolution NOW for 2015 to have those sites be Garmin Connect (because it works so great from my phone and it has to start there) and SportTracks. I will be using SportTracks in addition to Garmin because it offers me two functions I find helpful.

First, I can set up a training plan in the site so I can keep track of what I have to do.  They don’t have an app for the phone yet but they have optimized their website so it is “Mobile Friendly” so I can have my plan with me at all times. It even sends me an email if I miss a workout!

Second, I can easily track gear usage. I am notoriously bad about doing this. Since this year is a run focused year, tracking the mileage on my shoes is quite important. I am getting a jump start now and plan to be diligent about this in 2015.  I will be estimating my mileage on the bikes as well so I can track them in addition to my shoes.

SportTracks is not a free service but it is fairly inexpensive and has LOADS of features. I highly recommend it.

Blazing New Trails

Screen Shot 2014-12-09 at 3.32.31 PMSunday I set out for my long run by myself. Stuart and I are trying to do our long weekend runs together but because of kids schedules we had to divide and concur instead. I have been struggling with the end of Triathlon season so I really wanted to run something I had never run before. We are super lucky to have moved into an area that backs right up to some pretty decent trails. We have run a lot of the trails close to our house but never all the way over to another local area we like to run, Cheseboro Canyon. We  knew the two systems joined up pretty easily but we had never run them end to end.  I spent time examining the maps of the two areas to make sure I knew what I was doing. I was going to run a section I had never run before and I really didn’t want to get lost.


It took my just under 6 miles to get to the turn off into China Flats. Once I got there I ran around lost for about a mile until I found the right trail. I had no cell reception and was doing my best to figure it out. Once I finally got my bearings and found my way to the trail I was familiar with I was elated. The best part of the run was the fact that I RAN the whole thing! This was my first substantial workout since Ironman Arizona. I was determined to run the whole darn thing!

With about 3 miles to go the wheels starting falling the bus. I was developing a nasty side stitch from all the downhill pounding and had to walk a couple times. The goal for the day was 12 miles and with my one mile of lost running I ended up with 13.6 miles plus a load of my confidence back! Click here for the Garmin data (I forgot my HR strap). Stuart and his boys picked me up from the parking lot with a CarboRocket recovery shake waiting and all was right in the world!

I miss feeling awesome

There was a point this year when I was really looking forward to putting the Ironman training behind me. All the juggling and planning was really wearing one me. Now that I am really only concentrating on one discipline, running, I feel less awesome. I have some really amazing running goals this year. A 50 mile run, a Grand Canyon Rim to Rim to Rim, and eventually the Trans Rockies run are nothing to scoff at. I have a lot of work to do to get myself ready for all of these goals. But regardless, I feel very lost right now and not very awesome. The rewarding feeling I got from my triathlon training is not coming thru in my running just yet. In a couple weeks my mileage will kick up and I even have a 30K trail race scheduled! Hopefully this will get me back to pre-Ironman awesome feeling. I am also planning on getting back in the pool and on the bike. One sport just isn’t enough anymore.

I have a plan!

2015 is going to be a big step out of my comfort zone. I am heading back to primarily running so Stuart and I can do some epic running together. I am finding this very difficult because I feel like I got the Ironman figured out and I know I can take more time off. I never thought I would want to go to Kona, but after this year I actually think that after age 45 I have a really decent chance. Until then, I don’t have the time to really train how I feel I should.

So 2015 will be all about the running! I have been struggling how to work it all out but I have a plan to get me through the next 6 months.

Week Race Week Of Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Miles
1 24-Nov 0 2 2 4 0 12 20
2 1-Dec 8 0 2 4 6 0 14 34
3 8-Dec 8 0 4 4 6 0 16 38
4 15-Dec 10 0 4 6 6 0 18 44
5 22-Dec 10 0 4 6 8 0 20 48
6 29-Dec 10 0 4 8 6 0 10 38
7 5-Jan 8 0 4 8 8 0 22 50
8 12-Jan 10 0 4 10 8 0 22 54
9 19-Jan 10 0 4 10 8 0 24 56
10 26-Jan 10 0 4 10 6 0 10 40
11 Sean O’Brien 50K 2-Feb 8 4 3 2 0 0 31 48
12 9-Feb 0 0 4 10 6 0 10 30
13 16-Feb 10 0 4 10 8 0 22 54
14 23-Feb 10 0 4 10 8 0 24 56
15 2-Mar 10 0 4 10 6 0 10 40
16 9-Mar 8 4 12 8 0 0 31 63
17 16-Mar 0 0 4 12 8 0 24 48
18 23-Mar 10 0 4 12 8 0 26 60
19 30-Mar 10 0 4 10 8 0 16 48
20 6-Apr 10 0 4 6 6 0 10 36
21 Leona Divide 50 M 13-Apr 6 4 3 2 0 0 50 65
22 20-Apr 10 0 4 10 8 0 16 48
23 27-Apr 10 0 4 6 6 0 10 36
R2R2R? 4-May
R2R2R? 11-May

I would love to hear what you think of my plan. I will probably throw in a couple bikes and swims each week just to keep some of that up. I worked to hard for it and I am not ready to let it all go!