Month: October 2017

Kona Beer Mile Race Report

This year has had it’s ups and down but I completed my “A” race while in Kona!

I had been training for this for a couple months since chugging beer is new to me (despite what you may assume about my college days). This race is a bit of a secret and luckily I overheard some talk of it at a party on Friday night Kona. Sunday at 5!

So Sunday, we packed up our gear and headed over to the race venue.

The race was a bit harder than I expected. I had only trained up to two beers and found that beers three and four were much harder to get down (mental note for the next time I race). You can see in my splits where the wheels started to fall off the bus. The odd numbered splits are beers, the evens are running.


I did an extra lap at the end because I puked while getting my 4th beer down. #respectthebeermile.

Overall I am happy with my race. Since this was my first beer mile I was just happy with a finish! Oh, and there were a couple of pretty seasoned athletes there as well.


One of them even tweeted about my performance!

And for my review of my performance after the race:

Thanks goes out to my amazing sponsor Coeur Sports. No matter how long or short your race is, they have you covered. And of course I couldn’t have done this with out the amazing support of my husband, Stuart. Thanks for offering to hold my hair! I would do the same for you but…

I (almost) Quit

It has been a really tough month (or 9).

The injury has been harder to deal with than I ever expected. Pretty much every goal or race this year has been abandoned. I did get to do a Olympic Tri Relay with my husband and kid (we took second!) so that was awesome.


And my running volume is getting back up there (slowly).

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Yesterday I felt a twinge in my other calf. Being a parent is a million times harder than I ever expected. Work could be so much more satisfying. The world is a scary icky place right now. Yesterday, I was ready to quit all of it. Curl up on a ball and hide from the world. In my social media world I really try to show all the good in my life. And trust me, there is a ton of good. But right now I want to own up to the fact that quitting sounded amazing yesterday.

Thank goodness for a good night of sleep. Today I don’t want to quit. Today I want to make it all work. Today I am re-prioritizing my world. I will achieve my goals. The only change is the priorities of those goals. It was all about Kona and Boston. I am realizing that I need to work out my career situation first, and then those other goals will have to come a bit later.  I am at peace with this decision. I can work with this. I can make this happen.

Next week I am off to Kona to soak the whole experience in! I promise to share all the amazing things that happen out there.  Thanks for following along!