Month: February 2013

Now what?


Oak tree on the local mountain bike trails

Bless me blog readers for I have sinned.  It has been almost two weeks since my last blog post…

As you may know I have pulled out of both of my major events this year.  The Boston Marathon is out because my IT band was causing me trouble; and Challenge Penticton is out because of a family wedding.  The only race I am signed up for is the new Vineman Triathlon in June.  It is an Olympic distance Tri in Monte Rio.

What has surprised me is how happy I am with NOT training for anything.  When I look back I have had something significant on my race schedule for the last 3 years straight.  No breaks!  And as a result, I think I finally broke!

The break in training is working well for me.  I have been struggling to lose some weight that I put on after Ironman St. George last year and I think the lower intensity workouts are helping me burn the fat off faster. I am down 5 pounds to where I wanted to be and now I am going for another 5 if possible.

On a personal note I have made my relationship with my “boyfriend” FBO (Facebook Official, I had to look that up) and are we are working on finding a house for our soon to be big family (four boys between the two of us).  The impending move will take a lot of time and energy so not having a grueling training plan will be great!

The part that I am having the worst time coming to terms with is the blog… What do I have to write about now that I am not really training for anything?  I really don’t think you want to read about me moving to a new house or another 2 pounds that I have lost?  One thing that this reduction in racing will allow for is the opportunity to try things I haven’t done yet.  First on the agenda is mountain biking…

I am still alive… in case you were wondering.


It has been almost two weeks since I have decided to stop training for the Boston Marathon because of IT band issues.  As a result I haven’t had much to say.  I am still pretty bummed to have to pull out of Boston.  I worked so hard to qualify but I am not willing to spend the money and time for the race I would have at this point.  I qualified before, I will qualify again. #movingon

I am not really training for anything right now; and honestly it is kind of liberating!  My goal is to get about 6 hours of training in a week while slowly building my running miles back up.  I have been really enjoying my time in the pool and my swimming is snapping back into shape.  My next race will be an Olympic Distance up in Sonoma on June 2.  Doing this race will get me a spot in the Vineman 70.3 in 2014 and if all is going well that will be a good build up to Ironman Arizona in 2014. #fingerscrossed

The only other new news is that my diet has been successful. Almost 5 pounds in 3 weeks.  I would be lying if I said I wasn’t hungry but using myfitnesspal has me really choosing my foods carefully.  I might try to go for another 5 pounds and see how hard it is to maintain a weight of 130.

Thanks, as always, for reading.  Hopefully I will have more exciting news at some point.