Month: March 2018

Pacific Half Marathon 2018 Race Report


Wow… I am actually writing a race report. This means I actually finished a race that involved me running. YAY!!!

The Pacific Half Marathon is a relatively local race that is fairly challenging due to the hills. This was the first time I had run the course but I had re-run some of it and I was fairly familiar with the whole course. My expectation for the race was to hopefully run under 2 hours due to the hills. My race plan was to run to feel, run even, run hard, and not walk any of the hills. I conveniently covered up my watch so I wasn’t able to see my splits or HR data and I just ran to feel. Below are the details.

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I am THRILLED with the race! I ran 1:52:12, 8:33 min/mile, even with all the hills! That pace is less than 10 seconds off the pace I need for Mountains to the Beach at the end of May. It was a hard race but I was never working outside of myself. This was the confidence boost I needed! Only issue I had was a small amount of knee pain when running down one of the hills later in the race. That has me a little bit concerned since the upcoming marathon is mostly downhill, but not as steep as the section that hurt.


Best part of the day was having a stranger come up to me at the end complimenting me on running a good race (he couldn’t catch me). My run was good enough for 10/124 for my age group, 38/676 for women, and 168/1381 overall!

I’m Still Here!


I am still here! I promise!!! Life has been busy so here is an update on all things Becca.

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My training is humming along. My fist big race of the year is coming up in May. I am running the Mountains to the Beach marathon in Ojai/Ventura and I am hoping to qualify for Boston again. I have to say, I am not totally sure it will happen this time. I am still working on my speed and endurance. I was thinking during my long run this last weekend that as long as I only have to really suffer during the race for 60 minutes I think I can manage that. Luckily I still have 11 weeks to prepare so there is time! The road to recovery has been slow!

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I am starting a coaching business. I have some long term goals to transition from my normal 9-5 line of work to work that is full of my passion, endurance sport! If you are interested in working with me head over to Head Down, Do Work coaching. I will have my USAT Level 1 certification complete by the end of this month! I already have a few clients and I am really enjoying it!

That is what has been keeping me the busiest lately! As always, my Instagram is probably the best place to see what I am up to on a daily basis since my blogging is seriously lacking!