Trainer Road Will Make You Stronger

Well at least in my humble opinion it will.  If you don’t know what Trainer Road is it is an application that works with your Garmin sensors to give you virtual power while you are riding your turbo trainer.  Obviously if you have a power meter it will work with that but I don’t have one  of those…yet.  I have dragged my feat about using this because there was a little extra set involved when you need to ride your trainer.  I am a fan of just getting it done with as little hassle as possible.  But once you get it set up properly there is very little you need to do at each ride.

Very recently I did the same Sufferfest Video, The Wretched; first without Trainer Road, and then with Trainer Road.  See the graphs below…

speedwoTRSpeedwTRHRwoTRHRwTRI can see an increase in intensity as well as focused riding by using Trainer Road versus not using it.  I feel like I am getting WAY more out of my time when I used this focused approach to my trainer riding.  Why even get on the trainer if you don’t want to get something out of it!?

And, as you can see below, the data you get after doing a ride in Trainer Road is pretty awesome.

TRDataWretchedWell worth the $10/ month…in my opinion.


  1. Agree completely about Trainer Road. RPE is very difficult to train to. Have tried to do it in the past with very inconsistent results Having the graph that shows power goals throughout the ride based on (even an estimated) FTP is much more accurate, consistent and produces better results. Just follow the bouncing ball (or in the this case yellow dot) 🙂 .

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